Let’s Talk

About Alive to Thrive

Join us for a special ski and snowboard day, and a screening of the award-winning documentary film #MoCrazyStrong.

Alive to Thrive events give brain injury survivors the opportunity to accomplish something they think is impossible.

This is done through TBI Ski/snowboard instruction for ALL Ability levels, a screening of award-winning #MoCrazyStrong followed by Jamie’s keynote, a Q/A panel and meet and greet with refreshments to raise awareness about brain injury and recovery.

CLICK BELOW to learn more about each event and get tickets


Our Partners

WV Traumatic Brain Injury Services

The mission of the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities is to improve the lives of West Virginians with disabilities by supporting more diverse, inclusive communities.

Challenged Athletes of West Virginia

Challenged Athletes operates the adaptive skiing program at Snowshoe Mountain Resort, teaching over 400 lessons annually to children and adults with disabilities, and provides specialized ski and snowboard equipment to program participants at no cost.