I’m waiting for the right moment.
You hear that said when people are trying to decide important changes in life. Sometimes it’s changing jobs, having a child, buying a house. People always wait for the right moment. Sometimes people wait forever for the right moment. But what is the right moment and does it matter?
Let me tell you a little story. When COVID-19 was hitting the U.S. in March of 2020 A dog shelter in Park City, Utah was posting about their need to have animals fostered for week-long stretches. My partner and I decided it was a great idea to foster a dog! We picked up the dog, Luna in the morning, by that evening a post went out. Park City was on strict quarantine and fosters went from one week to one month.
At that time my partner, Reggie, and I were reconstructing our house. When we picked up Luna, we were in quarantine and had no kitchen! (lots of crockpot meals)
Luna arrived with an immense amount of anxiety. She was coming from an abusive background and even though she was only a year old she acted old and feeble. Well, we fell in love with the sweetheart she was and after a month we officially adopted Luna! She has made major strides and is not recognizable to the dog we started to foster.
Was it the right dog to adopt? Would a dog ridden with anxiety become a fun, loving adventurous dog in the MoCrazy Clark family? Was it the “right” time to adopt? A house with no kitchen and lots of future reconstruction all during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The answer to all those questions is no. If you overanalyze questions it is never the right time to start a project and you are never correctly prepared. However, when starting a new project you must take the steps to ensure you are adequately ready. You don’t want to make rash decisions. We did foster Luna for a month BEFORE we decided to adopt her. Regardless, you will never feel fully prepared so turn off the analytical part of the brain, take the leap and go with the flow.
Jamie MoCrazy
Talk Show Host- Life Gets MoCrazy on the Brain Injury Radio Network
Public Speaker-Motivational and Educational
certified virtual presenter